Schloss Bad Homburg
In Bad Homburg there is an expressive permanent exhibition about Friedrich Höderlin. The exhibition presents the life and work of Hölderlin as well as the contemporary historical environment through interactive terminals, but also through specially designed books in five stations.
The exhibition receives atmospheric support through the use of large-scale illustrations, all of which were produced by MARTINCOLOR Kommunikation & Mediengestaltung.
Particularly impressive are the large-scale slides installed in antique-style lighting systems in formats up to 1.30 x 2.50 m. Most of the data provided as data were output via the laser imager Lambda 130 high-resolution directly on photo and diamaterial. The packaging and sealing of the image results took place in the in-house laminating & carpentry shop.
Gaugrafenstraße 24 d | 60489 Frankfurt am Main | Phone +49 (0) 69 756080-0 | Fax +49 (0) 69 756080-88 | info(at)martincolor.de
Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.